Lowri's Story
Skin Type: Eczema
Prominent Location: Face, Body
Lowri, has suffered relentlessly her whole life with eczema. Eczema affects 1 in 10 adults and 1 in 5 children in the UK, according to the National Eczema Society and is a very common skin condition which can start at any age, but the onset is often in childhood
Instagram Account: @lifeoflowri
Lowri’s earliest memories of having eczema aren’t the happiest. She said: “I was hospitalised as a child due to the severity of my eczema, had teachers pull me out of class to reapply thick emollient creams on me, and I would often hide away from my parents when it was time to put on my creams before bed.
“I spent 10 days in hospital to have round-the-clock eczema care which involved bandage-like garments being put on me over the greasiest cream you could imagine, it was not pleasant.
“As a teenager, things improved slightly, and I experienced more periods of managed skin. I had flare-ups, some worse than others, but I don’t remember things being as severe as they were when I was a child. However, things declined and when I got to my early twenties, I experienced some of the worst skin days of my life.”
When Lowri was 21, on Halloween, she had the worst time with her skin. She said: “I was head-to-toe sore trying to write my dissertation and have a university life at the same time. I was mostly bed bound for the first term of my third year and missed a lot of lectures due to the severity of my eczema.
“I was invited to a big house party for Halloween, and I really wanted to get myself there but as time got closer, I couldn’t bare going down to the living room let alone someone’s house for a party. I remember watching my friends get dressed up and having pre-drinks whilst I offered to be the photographer. I felt like I had a Halloween mask on, I wasn’t myself and I really didn’t look myself at all. I was red and had flaky, open skin. I was miserable. My memories of socialising during my third year at university are so tainted, I rarely remember being able to chill downstairs with my friends at all.”
To manage her eczema and how it affects her socially, mentally and physically, Lowri has tried many methods including phototherapy, taking antihistamines and limiting her exposure to environmental triggers. Another method Lowri swears by is applying Epaderm ointment
Lowri said: “I’ve known about Epaderm for years, especially as being a child with eczema you quickly try all the creams the doctors have. As a child, I used Tubifast which was a bandage-like material made into tight-fitting garments to help the skin’s barrier. I would have Epaderm and other similar ointments slathered on me followed by the Tubifast - this helped me massively as a child and was the reason I was able to attend school without severe pain, it kept me somewhat comfortable.
“Fast forward to now, Epaderm has become a staple to my collection. Thick ointments are always my go-to in a flare-up or during the winter months, and Epaderm does the job.”